How Many Calories in a Slice of Pizza?

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By: Tom Valenti


Love pizza but looking for ways to practice healthier eating habits? You may be wondering, “How many calories are in a slice of pizza?” 

While understanding the number of calories in each item you eat is an important part to overall health and well-being, it can also be something that creates confusion. Understanding pizza nutrition facts can help you make informed decisions about the food that fills your stomach.  

Learn all the details regarding how many calories are in a slice of pizza and discover healthier alternatives so you can still indulge while keeping track of your macros.


What Are Calories?

What Are Calories

Before we start discussing the calorie content of a slice of pizza, let’s first establish what the term “calorie” means.

Calories are a measure of energy and they can be found in almost all food items. In general, one calorie is equal to the amount of energy needed to raise one gram of water by one degree Celsius. When it comes to food, calories provide us with the energy that we need for our bodies to function properly.

How Many Calories Are in a Slice of Pizza?

How Many Calories Are in a Slice of Pizza

The number of calories that are in one slice of pizza can vary depending on the size, type and toppings. A typical slice of cheese pizza contains around 250 calories, while pepperoni or sausage can have as many as 285 calories per slice. Other factors such as the type of crust, amount of cheese and additional toppings can also affect the calorie count. 

For example, a thin-crust pizza with light cheese has fewer calories than a deep-dish pizza with extra cheese and sausage.

Therefore, when attempting to determine how many calories are in a slice of pizza, it’s important to keep in mind that different types of pizzas will have varying levels of calories.

Calories In Pizza Slice By Topping

The number of calories in a pizza slice can vary significantly based on the toppings. Here is a rough estimate of the calorie content of one slice of pizza (1/8 of a 14-inch pizza) with various toppings:

  • Sausages: Sausages are a classic pizza topping that provides flavor, texture, and protein. However, they’re relatively high in calories, with approximately 85 calories per slice. Excessive sausage toppings can quickly increase the calorie count.
  • Salami: a cured Italian sausage made from pork or beef, is a popular topping for pizza. It packs a flavor punch with its unique blend of spices and herbs. A single slice of salami-topped pizza contains 35 calories and 4 grams of protein.
  • Pineapple: It’s a great source of vitamins C and B6, dietary fiber, and antioxidants, making it an excellent addition to any healthy diet. Adding pineapple to pizza is a popular way to add a bit of sweetness as well as some important nutrients. One slice of pineapple pizza typically contains about 14 calories and a small amount of fat.
  • Pepperoni: Pepperoni is one of the most popular pizza toppings in the United States and around the world. Nutritionally, pepperoni is high in calories and fat with an estimated 50 calories per slice. It also contains some protein, carbohydrates, sodium, and cholesterol.
  • Ham: When it comes to the nutrition of ham pizza, each slice contains 15 calories and is a good source of protein. It is also an excellent source of calcium and other essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Chicken: A single slice of chicken pizza typically contains 80 calories and 1 gram of fat, depending on the type of crust and other ingredients used.
  • Beef: A single slice of pizza is often not a particularly healthy option, but the calories in a beef-based pizza slice can vary significantly. A single slice of traditional beef pizza can contain anywhere from 50 to 100 calories.
  • Mushrooms: A pizza slice topped with mushrooms typically contains around 15 calories per slice. This makes mushrooms an excellent choice for those looking to enjoy pizza without consuming too many calories.

Calories In Pizza Slice By Brand

How many calories in a slice of pizza can vary significantly depending on the type and brand. Here are estimates of the calorie content of one slice (1/8 of a 14-inch pizza) from popular establishments:

  • Domino’s: An individual slice of cheese pizza from Domino’s contains 250 calories and 10 grams of fat.
  • Pizza Hut: Pizza Hut’s cheese pizza slice has 9 grams of fat and 230 calories.
  • Little Caesars: A piece of plain cheese pizza from Little Caesars has 250 calories and 11 grams of fat.
  • Papa John’s: Papa John’s cheese pizza slice contains 10 grams of fat and 270 calories.

Overall, the calorie content of pizza slices can vary significantly depending on the type and brand. It is important to consider these factors when trying to determine how many calories are in a slice of pizza.

Pizza Nutrition Facts

The deliciousness of pizza comes with a cost – it’s generally not the healthiest food choice out there. The nutritional values of pizza can vary depending on the type and size of the slice. In general, however, pizza is high in sodium, saturated fat, and carbohydrates.

According to the USDA, a regular cheese pizza slice from a typical fast-food pizza restaurant has an approximate nutritional content of 285 calories, 10.4 grams of fat, 35.6 grams of carbohydrates, and 12.2 grams of protein. Moreover, it contains 640 milligrams of sodium, 2.5 grams of fiber, and 3.8 grams of sugar.

These nutritional facts can provide helpful information for those who want to make well-informed decisions about their food choices.

Why Does Pizza Have So Many Calories?

Pizza, like other fast food and convenience items, is calorie-dense for a couple of reasons.

First and foremost, pizza is known for having a high-calorie count because it often contains a variety of ingredients that are high in calories, such as cheese, meat, and high-fat sauces. 

Additionally, pizza crust is usually made with refined flour, which is lower in fiber and nutrients than whole grains. This means that the crust can be easily digested and absorbed, leading to a quicker spike in blood sugar levels. 

Furthermore, the serving size of pizza slices is often larger than what is recommended, which can result in consuming more calories than necessary. 

When combined, these factors contribute to the high-calorie count of pizza. However, by being mindful of the toppings, crust, and serving size, it is still possible to enjoy pizza as a part of a balanced diet.

Can Pizza Be Included In A Healthy Diet?

Though pizza is not typically considered a healthy food, it can still be included in a healthy diet. The key is to make mindful decisions about the type of crust, toppings, and serving size.

For instance, opting for a thin-crust pizza with an assortment of vegetables and lean meats, such as chicken or turkey, can help reduce the overall calorie content. Additionally, choosing a smaller size and limiting the number of slices can also help control calorie intake.

Tips For Eating Healthy And Enjoying Pizza

If you’re a pizza lover but want to maintain a healthy diet, there are a few things you can do to make sure you’re making the healthiest choices possible. 

1. Choose healthier toppings. Opt for vegetables and lean proteins, such as chicken or turkey, instead of higher-calorie toppings like sausage or pepperoni. 

2. Choose a healthier crust: Opt for a whole wheat or cauliflower crust instead of a traditional white flour crust.

3. Load up your pizza with a variety of vegetables, such as mushrooms, peppers, onions, spinach, and tomatoes. These toppings will add flavor, texture, and nutritional value to your pizza.

4. Choose lean protein toppings such as grilled chicken or shrimp instead of high-fat meats like sausage or bacon. This will help to lower the calorie count and make your pizza more nutritious.

5. Use less cheese, or opt for a lower-fat variety to make your pizza healthier.

6. Watch your portion size: Pizza slices can vary in size, but generally, one or two slices is a reasonable serving size. Be mindful of how many slices you eat and don’t go overboard.


How Many Calories Are in 2 Large Slices of Pizza?

On average, two large slices of pizza contain approximately 450-500 calories. However, the exact calorie content can vary depending on the type and size of your pizza.

Is Pizza Healthy?

Pizza is not typically considered a healthy food, as it is high in sodium, saturated fat, and carbohydrates. However, it can still be included in a healthy diet by making mindful decisions about the type of crust, toppings, and serving size.

What Is The Healthiest Way To Eat Pizza?

The healthiest way to eat pizza is to choose a thin-crust, whole wheat, or cauliflower crust with an assortment of vegetables and lean proteins, like chicken or turkey. Additionally, limit the number of slices you consume and opt for less cheese or a lower-fat variety.

How Many Slices of Pizza Should I Eat On a Diet?

The number of slices you should eat can vary based on your individual dietary needs and goals. Generally, one or two slices are a reasonable serving size when eating pizza as part of a balanced diet.

Can I Freeze Pizza?

Yes, you can safely freeze pizza for up to three months. To do so, wrap the slices tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil and place them in an airtight container before storing them in the freezer. When ready to eat, simply reheat in the oven or microwave.


In conclusion, the answer to the question “How many calories are in a slice of pizza?” isn’t clear-cut. Everyone’s caloric needs and dietary requirements are different, so it all comes down to personal preference when it comes to how much pizza you should eat. 

Pizza can certainly be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet while still maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle. A few simple swaps such as making your own pizza with whole wheat crust, reducing the amount of cheese on your slice and adding more veggies can make all the difference in helping create a healthier version of everyone’s favorite treat. 

So go ahead and enjoy that delicious slice of pizza while keeping both your taste buds and waistline happy.

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Tom Valenti

Chef/Owner of both Ouest and ‘Cesca, and the Executive Chef of Le Cirque, Alison on Dominick, and Butterfield 81.

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